Chapter Seven: Noble Souls & Caddish Knaves

All hail her Majesty the Queen! The wise and kind-hearted Queen of the Galaxy is the founder and head of the Bureau of Special Folks, and is a just and benevolent ruler. Ruling from her floating castle in the very center of space, the Queen oversees the day to day operations of the BSF and intercedes where she can to make the galaxy a groovy place to live. Along with her 9 loyal and extremely powerful Knights, the Queen has brought harmony and peace to many people and worlds, a few of which have offered their aid and resources to her Bureau in return for the service. The Queen has a magical map of the galaxy that alerts her to evil deeds anywhere in the galaxy, allowing her to deploy brave BSF Field Operatives to deal with any calamity that might arise. Standing at a petite 4 feet in height and having the delicate slightness of a doll, the Queen is deceptively powerful and all-knowing, but has never claimed to be a Goddess and politely changes the subject when it is brought up. She also has a notorious sweet tooth and deeply enjoys candy of all sorts.

The ever suave and articulate Commodore Boxley serves as a handler for Field Operatives of all sorts for the BSF, and is a native from the rather Noir-flavored planet Balkyville. Ever-optimistic and excitable, the Commodore performs his job with everlasting zeal and aplomb, making certain that all Field Operatives under his jurisdiction are well informed and equipped for any sanctioned missions that they undertake. 

(Dave Note: Commodore Boxley is a fine choice to use as the Commodore who will be giving your players their missions and objectives throughout play.)

A notable Field Operative of the BSF, the Atlantean Special Agent Paranthus and his ship The Tidal Pearl are efficient and faithful, apprehending an impressive list of galactic scuzz buckets and cads. Many Special Agents view the task of accompanying and evaluating Cadets through their training mission to be joyless babysitting and hate the assignment, but Paranthus takes it as his duty to train newcomers to the BSF properly, and is friendly and patient. The Atlantean is also husband to nine wives and has close to 2 dozen children, which are tame numbers compared to most Atlantean families.

(Dave Note: Special Agent Paranthus is a great choice as someone who can oversee your group's initial training Mission.)

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