Friday, March 22, 2013



This is Dave, and I like games.

Specifically, I like Role Playing Games. What you have before you is a setting that I have drummed up for the Savage Worlds Deluxe game system (though it works equally well with the previous edition: The Savage Worlds Explorer's Edition). If you don't own this rather spiffy game system, I do recommend it, and will be groovy enough to link you to where you can purchase the book or PDF for the low low price of $9.99 RIGHT HERE.

Now that that is out of the way, I can begin to tell you just a bit about the game and my reason for doing this.

I've always been a fan of numerous types of game settings, whether they be high fantasy with elves and dwarves and knights and all that junk, or far future space type stuff, or even the more gritty western type of setting. Whether the game is Star Trek, Star Wars, Deadlands, or my personal favorite, 50 Fathoms, I have a raging game-boner for pretty much anything involving adventurous sorts doing adventurous sorts of things.

So, I've always found it really difficult to focus on any one kind of setting. I'd play some good old fashioned D&D for a while, then long for laser beams and exploding spaceships and freaking MARTIANS and all that not too long after. Now, with all these various settings and games constantly whirling around my head, I really wanted to create a setting that mashed together EVERYTHING I like about this setting or that genre, with absolutely no regard to making any manner of sense.

And so, Universal Universe was born.

Now, I have to warn you: This game is set in a tone that is exceedingly light hearted and none too serious. If you are an ultra-serious and gritty gaming type, then you probably won't think a bunch of Caveman flying through space is very appealing. Consider this my disclaimer: I like goofy and colorful stuff, and this game is meant, above and beyond all else, to be fun, colorful, and vibrant.

So, if you don't particularly mind Cavemen and Cowboys and Robots and Mutants and Undead coursing through the cosmos fighting for justice and goodness, then I gladly welcome you aboard my little game experiment. Hopefully your group will think it's a fun place to stay for a while.

Welcome to the Universe!


PS: I doubt I will ever be done with this setting. As time goes on, I will certainly be adding to the rules or setting or updating art and the like. This process is an ever-evolving one, and I will be, over time, refining and tweaking the site and system, so don't be surprised if you see things shuffling and changing around from time to time :]

PPS: Would you like to hear the completely unofficial Theme Song for Universal Universe? No? Sorry! Here is "Baby Universal" from Tin Machine! I should probably say that I don't own this music or anything so that nobody will sue me and take all of my money that I don't have any of!


  1. UU reminds me of Starbarians shorts from youtube.

  2. Starbarians? I haven't seen that. Is it animated?

  3. Aye! Three animated mini-episodes, under 5 min each.
