Chapter Four: Gear

The universal currency of the Galaxy is the Pound, red paper currency with the Queen of the Galaxy's face and crest printed on each bill. Each Pound (l) can be broken up into 10 Quid (q). Characters begin play with 1,000 Pounds to purchase equipment.

The Species of the BSF are very proud of their cultures and heritages. As such, each has their own unique weapon varieties and styles. Using a weapon of a Species that is not your own is possible, but you suffer a -2 penalty to all attacks with that weapon. Also, the special quality of a weapon only works in the hands of a member of the native species of the weapon. the exception to this is armor, which can only benefit wearer's of the native species. 

In short, the Species of Universal Universe are a proud bunch, and stick to using weapons of their own heritage. 

Bowie Knife 
Strength + d6 damage, Cost-100
This thick and frightening knife is more like a short sword than anything else! The wickedly sharp blade of this weapon has an armor piercing rating of 1. 

Strength or Agility + d4 damage, Cost-50
This exotic weapon uses the better of the wielder's Strength or Agility when dealing its damage. Once per battle, the wielder of a Whip can spend a Benny to entwine an opponent. Entwined opponents cannot move and their parry suffers a -1 penalty for d4 turns.

Battle Spurs
Strength + d4 damage, Cost-25
These can be used to aid in the riding of a horse, adding a +1 bonus to all riding rolls, as well as being used to kick some butt in battle as a sneaky foot weapon!.

3d6 damage, Cost-10 (each)
Once lit, these powerful grenades deal their damage to all targets within 10 feet of the detonation zone. Re-roll all 1's on any damage dice that come up with this weapon.

2d4 damage, Cost-50, Clip-2
These weapons are popular with female Texans due to their ease of concealment. Whenever a Derringer is used to attack a Male target, the damage of this weapon increases to 2d6.

Colt Peacemaker
2d6 + 1 damage, Cost-250, Clip-6
This common sidearm is legendary for its reliability and never jams even on a roll of botch. 

Colt Lightning Dueling Pistols
2d6 damage, Cost-500 Clip-6 (each)
This set of pistols were designed for speed over firepower. If the Wielder of these pistols has the Two Fisted Edge, then can spend a Benny to immediately act first in combat.

Winchester Rifle
2d8 damage, Cost-300 Clip-15
This long range rifle is incredibly accurate, and reduces the penalty of all called shots by 1.

Double Barrel/Sawed-Off Shotgun
1d6-3d6 damage, Cost-200 Clip-2
This powerful weapon deals its damage depending on how close the target is. Long range targets take 1d6 damage, medium range targets take 2d6 damage, and close range targets take 3d6 damage. Both barrels of this weapon can be fired at once to add an extra d6 to the damage rolled if the attack hits. 

Protective Belt Buckle
+1 Armor, Cost-50
This large, attention-yanking belt buckle actually draws incoming attacks towards it, deflecting the impact of the blow.

Leather Duster
+2 Armor, Cost-100
This long overcoat adds a sturdy layer of protection to your average cowpoke.

Rusty Shiv
Strength + d4 damage, Cost-20
This is...well, a rusty spike on a handle. It's none too pretty, but gets the job done. Anyone who suffers a wound from this weapon finds the wounds are a real bitch to heal, and cannot be healed by any means until 24 hours after the wound is inflicted.

Screwknuckle Gloves
Strength + d6 damage, Cost-50
This set of plated gloves have some rusty screws jutting from the knuckle, and adds to the wearer's punching power. Someone using this weapon improves their unarmed combat die by one step. Once per battle, the wearer of these gloves can choose to spend a Benny to immediately succeed on an attack roll using them without rolling. This must be done before a roll is made. 

Battle Wrench
Strength + d8 damage, Cost-200
This large and unwieldy wrench makes a great smashing thing, and can really plow someone's face in good. Whenever this weapon is used against any sort of machine-type of foe, it deals an additional +d4 damage. This includes Robonoids.

Rusty Chain
Strength + d10 damage, Cost-300
A lot of Mutant weapons are rusty, have you noticed? This hefty chain can be swung around real hard to do a lot of grief. Once per battle, the wielder of this weapon can spend a Benny to roll one attack that is made against all enemies adjacent to the wielder.

Goo Grenade
2d6 damage, Cost-25 (each)
Upon impact, this grenade explodes in a wave of crud and slime on all targets within 20 feet of the blast radius. Any target that takes damage from this grenade is stuck in place for 5 rounds as their feet are stuck to the floor. This grenade has no effect on Mutants, and in fact, it heals them if the damage rolled meets or exceeds the Mutant's Toughness.

Throwing Batteries
Strength + d4 damage, Cost-5 (each)
Simple yet effective, these hand held projectiles have quite a bit of weight to them. Once per battle, the wielder of this weapon can spend a Benny to have a successful attack deal maximum damage. 

Bolt Pistol
2d4 damage, Cost-150, Clip-12
This small, yet highly pressurized pistol launches rusty nuts and bolts that can really ruin someone's day. Due to the high velocity of this weapon, the Bolt Pistol ignores all Armor.

Sludge Gun
2d6 damage, Cost-200, Clip-Special
This gun plops out globs of acidic goo. Due to the large size of the ammunition being used, attack rolls made with this weapon gain a +1 bonus. The Sludge Gun is a popular sidearm because it never runs out of ammunition.

3d6 damage, Cost-500
This awfully loud weapon gores through flesh and bone, leaving a real bad mess in its wake. Whenever you kill someone with this gruesome weapon, all targets who can see the mess left behind must immediately succeed on a Spirit test at -1 or suffer a -2 to all attacks and tests made on their next roll. This is a pretty hefty weapon and requires a minimum Strength of d8 to wield. 

Gunk Shirt
+1 Armor, Cost-50
This breastplate is made up of a thick and gooey slime that helps absorb some impact of incoming attacks. It is actually smeared onto the wearer and acts as a sort of protective jelly-layer. 

Street Sign Plate 
+2 Armor, Cost-250
This suit of armor is made from bent up street signs and isn't the most comfy gear, but will keep you safe(ish).

Containment Suit
+3 Armor, Cost-500
This very intimidating suit covers the entire body and is a remnant from the days when Mutants were still highly contagious. Some of these antiques still exist today and offer fine protection from damage. This armor is remarkably heavy and requires a Strength of at least d8 to wear.

Strength + d4 damage, Cost-100
This small energy knife can appear in the wielder's hand by spending a Benny, making the blade appear from thin air.

Strength + d6 damage, Cost-200
A thin and elegant staff that can shock the crap out of someone when struck. Once per battle, the wielder of this weapon can spend a Benny to add a shock to a successful attack. A target who is shocked automatically acts last in the next round of combat (do not draw a card for them).

d6 + 1 damage, Cost-250
This odd weapon pulses out an area effect blast of supercharged EMP energy, dealing its damage to all targets (friend and foe, but not the user) within 10 feet of the user. This weapon requires no roll to use and is operated merely by pressing a button. 

Special Damage, Cost-500
This strange looking laser gun shoots a beam of amplified and unpredictable energies at the target. When this weapon hits a target, roll a d8 and apply that effect. A botch when attacking with this weapon immediately destroys the weapon, as well as sending the wielder and his allies to another dimension that they must escape from.

1 Stasis: The target is frozen in Stasis for one turn, and cannot move or attack. Ignore their next action.

2 Zapped: The target takes 3d6 damage.

3 Cross-Dressed: the target is unharmed, but their clothes immediately turn to that of the opposite sex for 24 hours. If this result is rolled twice, the target explodes in a hail of guts and gore and dies. 

4 Ricochet: The wielder of this weapon takes 3d6 damage. It's not the end of the world.

5 Jinxed: The target loses any and all Bennies that they might have. Furthermore, all rolls the target makes for the remainder of battle suffer a -1 penalty. If this result is rolled twice, it nullifies the effect.

6 Ultra Zapped: the target takes 3d8 damage.

7 Payday: The wielder of this weapon immediately finds their pockets filled with d6 x 500 Pounds.

8 Party Time Meltdown: Combat immediately ends, with all participants breaking out in a fevered and celebratory dance. The combat is considered over, with everyone being declared the victor. After this result is rolled, the Complex-O-Beam fades out of reality and a new one must be acquired somehow.

Shrink Ray
2d4 + 1 damage, Cost-300, Clip-10
This small beam weapon can change the size of a target struck by it. Once per battle, the wielder of this weapon can spend a Benny to shrink someone hit by this attack (the attack does not have to deal damage, just hit them). The target shrinks to half their normal size and rolls all close combat damage twice and uses the lowest result for 3 rounds.

2d6 damage, Cost-300, Clip 7
Whenever this weapon deals a wound to a target (not including making them shaken), roll a d20. On a result of 20, the target is instantly vaporized and killed. The wielder of this weapon can spend a Benny at any time to increase this chance to 18, 19 or 20.

Sonic Rifle
3d4 damage, Cost-250, Clip 5
This weapon fires in a cone, unleashing dangerously high pitched frequencies that can affect multiple targets.

Particle Grenade
3d4 damage, Cost-50 (each)
This grenade explodes in a wave of sizzling static electricity that hits all targets within 20 feet of the blast radius. Targets who are Shaken by this weapon suffer a -1 penalty to break out of it.

Force Field
+1, +2 or +3 Toughness, Cost-100, 250 or 500
These powerful force field generators come in Mark 1, Mark II, or Mark III variety, with each version being more powerful (and expensive) than the last.

Throwing Rocks (All Castes)
Strength + d4 damage, Cost-Free
These rocks were made for tossing, and that's just what they'll do! These hefty projectiles are a simple way to assail foes, and break apart on impact, dealing d4 damage to all targets adjacent to a victim who takes damage from this weapon. This is a throwing weapon...duh. 

Boomerang (All Castes)
2d4 damage (Ranged) or Strength + d4 damage (Melee)
These jagged bone throwing projectiles always return to the hand of the thrower. Once per day, the wielder of a Boomerang can spend a Benny to make two ranged attacks on the same target.

Thorn Whip (All Castes)
Strength + d6 damage, Cost-150
This sturdy and wickedly thorned vine makes a dang good whip as well! This whip has the same Entwine ability as the cowboy Bullwhip. 

Sabertooth Dagger (All Castes)
Strength + d4 dammage, Cost-50
This common weapon also serves as a tool for more mundane tasks, and is a dagger forged from the tusks of a great sabertooth cat. This weapon can also be used as climbing gear, and grants a +2 bonus to all Athletics tests made to climb. 

Bashing Club (All Castes)
Strength + d6 damage, Cost-100
This one handed short club is the iconic weapon of the Cromag species, and is comprised of a sturdy and often times crudely carved and decorated club. This weapon is very impactful and all attempts to soak damage it causes suffer a -1 penalty.

Spirit Spear (Shaman Caste)
Strength + d8 damage, Cost-300
This is the iconic weapon of the Shaman caste, and is often decorated with feathers and other crude items. A Spirit Spear grants the wielder an additional 1 Power Point.

Big Bashing Club (Warrior Caste)
Strength + d12 damage, Cost-500
These massive and brutish bashing clubs are the symbol of the Cromag Warrior caste, delivering stunningly powerful blows to all foes unlucky enough to get be-bashed with it. All rolls made to soak damage from this weapon suffer a -2 penalty.

Bow and Arrow (Hunter Caste)
2d6 damage (Ranged) or Strength + d6 damage Melee, Cost-250
The iconic weapon of the Hunter Caste is the bow and arrow, which can also be used as a melee weapon due to the often decorative and spiked edges of the weapon. This weapon's damage increases to 2d8 against animals of all kinds.

Leather Loin Cloth (Hunter and Shaman Caste)
+1 Armor, Cost-100
This stylishly cut armor is commonly used and easy to maintain and move around in. Most Cromags favor this unintrusive armor.

Protective Charm (Shaman Caste)
+1 Armor, Cost-250
This primitive looking charm necklace protects the wearer from harm and also allows the wearer to re-roll one failed Spell Casting test per day.

Dino-Scale Armor (Shaman and Hunter Class)
+2 Armor, Cost-300
This rare armor is constructed from the assorted thickest and most sturdy scales from various slain dinosaurs.

Throwing Bones
2d4 damage, Cost-25
These sharpened chips of bones are often used as devilish projectiles that can be hurled at foes. Due to the unnatural sharpness of these weapons, they ignore all armor.

Iron Crossbow
2d12 damage, Cost-300
This sickening contraption launches a heavy iron bolt at foes. While very powerful, this weapon requires a full action to reload. You must have a minimum strength score of d8 to wield this weapon.

Wooden stake
Strength +d4 damage, Cost-50
This is a simple wooden stake that can really ruin someone's day if you jab them in the face with it. Against Undead foes, roll all damage results twice and use the highest result.

Sacrificial Knife
Strength + d4 damage, Cost-100
This ornamental knife is fitted with a sterling black blade and is wickedly curved, dealing +1 damage to all living creatures.

Gravedigger Shovel
Strength + d6 damage, Cost-150
This common Gloomling weapon is a rusty and worn shovel that can once per day be stuck in any patch of natural soil to summon forth a Zombie servitor for one hour. This Zombie is an extra and has a d6 in all stats and has a Fighting score of d8. The Zombie can perform simple tasks and will fight for you. Using this ability costs a Benny and must be done at nite.

Skull Mace
Strength + d6 damage, Cost-200
This fashioned mace is capped at the tip by a spiked skull. This skull is actually sentient, and often times yells out derogatory and downright mean things at any opponents nearby. Wielders of this weapon enjoy a +1 bonus to all Taunt tests.

Phantasmal Rapier 
Strength + d6 damage, Cost-250
This ghostly blade is refined and elegant, offering the wielder a +1 bonus to their parry. Against Ghostly creatures (including Phantoms), this weapon deals 2d12 damage, regardless of the wielder's actual Strength score.

Black Longsword
Strength + 8 damage, Cost-400
A majestic and regal longsword with an appetite! When this sword scores a raise on an attack roll, it adds a +d8 to damage instead of d6, as it drains the blood of its prey!

Reaper's Scythe 
Strength + d12 damage, Cost-500
The legendary weapon of the Gloomling race, this frightening weapon can saw enemies to ribbons. Whenever this weapon is kills a Wild Card enemy, their soul is reaped into 1 Benny for the wielder!

Vampire Lord Cloak
Armor +1, Cost-100
This simple and stylish cloak is a popular manner of protection for Gloomlings.

Guardian Skull
Armor +2, Cost-300
This floating skull has a ravenous appetite and hovers around the wearer at all times, blocking incoming attacks and trying to catch any projectiles in its fanged skeletal mouth. 

Blackguard Plate Armor
Armor +3, Cost-500
this massive set of blasted black plate armor is ultra spooky and grants the wearer a +1 bonus to all Intimidation attempts. This armor is remarkably heavy and requires a Strength of at least d8 to wear.

The following list of equipment can be used by any Species without penalty. 

BSF Requisitions: All Field Agents are equipped with a free Cell phone and 2 doses of Doc Pepstein's Healing Tonic.

Cell Phone (200)
This is the standard communication device of the cosmos, and can help you make long distance calls across the cosmos. Each Species has their own look and design for the cell phone, with Robonoid Cell Phones being small and thin and sleek Mango Corporation devices. Cromags, however, have hand held stone devices with mystical runes carved in the center that have elemental spirits of the wind that carry the messages through space, etc. At the end of the day, though, Cell phones all do the same stuff, no matter which species made them.

Doc Pepstein's Healing Tonic (100)
Drinking this popular elixir will immediately remove the Shaken condition. Furthermore, roll 3d6. If this result is equal to or higher than your Toughness score, you heal one Wound. Each raise above this heals an additional wound.

When a Cadet completes their Training Mission, they are granted the title of Agent. This is a milestone for Field Operatives, and none ever forget the experience. New Agents are taken to the BSF Shipyards on the Moon, where they have a ship created for them before their very eyes. They first voyage of this ship is to the Queen's Castle, where they are given their very own BSF Badge by the Queen herself in a very proper ceremony, attended by the Queen and all of her Knights. Such festivities are broadcast live on Television, and seen by trillions of envious onlookers throughout the galaxy. 

More than just a simple shiny trinket in a leather wallet, the BSF Badge is a magical relic handmade by the Queen of the Galaxy herself. Those who earn such a rare and coveted item are also entitled to rare perks and benefits. Some of the notable abilities of the Badge are presented below. 

Superior Construction: The BSF badge is made of a special gleaming material known as Royal Silver. The Badge is indestructible, and being at the center of a nuclear explosion wouldn't so much as scuff it.

Homing Beacon: The BSF Badge also acts as a general homing Beacon that gives you a sense of any other fellow Field Operatives within a radius of about 10 miles of your position.

Soulbound: BSF Badges are each made specifically for the Agent they are issued to. Each Agent chooses a unique 5 digit serial number that is inscribed on the Badge. No other being in the Universe, save the Queen of the Galaxy herself or a Field Operative of Higher Rank can pick up a badge owned by another Field Operative. A BSF Badge can never be lost, and always ends up in its owner's pocket even if thrown out of an airlock into space.

The Queen's Protection: Once per day, the owner of a BSF Badge can make a Soak Roll for free without spending a Benny. Furthermore, the Badge protects the wearer from any and all abilities, powers and spells that would take over the Field Operative's mind or cause them to commit evil deeds. Any such ability immediately fails. 

Mark of Authority: Brandishing the BSF Badge opens a lot of doors, and the vast majority of beings in the galaxy who aren't totally evil are likely to cooperate with any questions or reasonable requests made of anyone with the Badge. Flashing the Badge can grant access to pretty much any institution, facility, or building in the Galaxy.

As Field Operatives of the BSF, you will gain access to cutting edge technology and powerful items to aid in your missions. At the end of every successful Case File that you complete, all players gain 1 Requisition Point that can be spent to acquire many special items. Some of these more common items are one use, but more expensive ones can be quite costly, but are very effective (and permanent). More Requisition points can be earned for completing Case Files in creative ways or going above and beyond the call of duty, though generally, no more than 2 Requisition Points should be given to each Field Operative.

The following list are some examples of the more common equipment that Field Operatives have access to. Note that only Operatives of Agent rank or higher gain Requisition Points. All Requisition items are unique, and a Field Operative can only have 1 copy of each on their person at any given time.

The Queen's Card (1 Requisition Point, 1 Use)
This glimmering card has one use and can be used at any time to immediately replace the card you drew for Initiative with the Queen's Card, which acts just like a Joker card.

Crusher Mallet (1 Requisition Point, 1 Use)
This simple looking mallet can be used to immediately destroy any physical object blocking your path, and can save quite a bit of time in a pinch!

Skeleton Key (2 Requisition Points, 1 Use)
This ancient looking skeleton key can immediately bypass any physical lock or password protected computer.

Hazard goggles (1 Requisition Point, 1 Use)
Once used, this ring protects the wearer from all environmental hazards for 24 hours. This allows the user to endure a toxic atmosphere, or even survive the vacuums of space, or breathe underwater.

Resurrection Kit (3 Requisition Points, 1 Use)
This handy device can be used to bring any being who has been dead for less than 24 hours back to life. This does not work on those who have died from natural causes. 

Birthday Cupcake (1 Requisition Point, 1 Use)
This celebratory cupcake is yummy and delicious. Eating this will immediately remove the Shaken condition and heal one Wound.

Birthday Cake (2 Requisition Points, 1 Use)
This yummy treat will immediately remove the Shaken Condition and heal the imbiber of all damage.

Language Manual (1 Requisition Point, 1 Use)
Reading this lengthy digest will teach you a language of your choice without roll.

Benny Dispenser (2 Requisition Points, 1 Use)
When activated, this small dispenser grants all player characters within 5 feet of the device 1 Benny.

F-5 Eternity Pistol (5 Requisition Points, Permanent)
This prototype sidearm was developed specifically for Field Operatives, and is a Universal weapon that can be wielded by any BSF Operative regardless of their Species. This weapon deals 2d6 Damage, has an Armor Piercing value of 1, and has an unlimited clip of ammunition (hence the nickname "Eternity Pistol"). Once per battle, the wielder of this pistol can spend a Benny to automatically hit with this weapon without rolling.

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